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Day 4


Leverage the Power Of Different Binders to Target Different Toxins

Warren Phillips
  • Non-Toxic Dad’s list of sneaky brain toxins that damage the brain
  • Different types of binders that has different affinity for different toxins
  • How to stack this diet strategy with binders to prevent toxin reabsorption

Day 4's Scheduled Presentations

Don’t forget! With the FREE pass, you will only have access to each day’s presentations for 24 hours.

Sneak Peek Purchase Bonus Talks

Highlights from unreleased expert interviews that are included with purchase of masterclass recordings.


Laura Frontiero, NP

Laura Frontiero, NP is the founder and CEO of BioRadiant Health, a virtual functional medicine practice. She’s the creator of seven online functional medicine health summits, and over the last 25 years has served more than 70,000 patients in the clinic and virtual setting as a Nurse Practitioner. Her focus is to solve the root cause of chronic health conditions, by supporting cellular energy production, gut health, and detoxing the whole body. Her work in the health industry marries both traditional and functional medicine, and she’s known by her community as ‘The Energy Lady’.

Dr. Peter Kan

Dr. Kan supports and manages clients with chronic conditions using a comprehensive approach by merging the exciting advances of functional neurology and functional medicine. Dr. Kan is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine, and a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist. He is the creator of NeuroMetabolic Integration, a science-based virtual online coaching program that identifies the root cause of autoimmune and other chronic conditions. Over 6000 clients from across the country have come to seek out his holistic approach that is changing the lives of those suffering from chronic conditions.

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