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Working so hard to be healthy and not seeing any results is often a direct consequence of toxins.

These invisible culprits pervade our environment, food, and even the air we breathe, assaulting our body’s most critical systems daily.

Why Is This Happening?

It boils down to the toxic overload our bodies are subjected to, which disrupts the essential connection between our brain, gut, and immune system.


This triad works in harmony to maintain our health, but when toxins interfere, they trigger inflammation and a host of issues ranging from cognitive dysfunction to digestive discomfort.


This isn't just about a lack of wellness; it's about a pervasive barrier to living our lives to the fullest.

But here's the silver lining—understanding this connection offers a powerful lever to enhance your health.

The Solution to Better Physical and Mental Health?

It's time to peel back the layers on how environmental and dietary toxins are impacting our gut health, weakening our immune response, and clouding our brains

How would you like to finally have answers and tools to build the transformation you are looking for, step-by-step?

The Toxic Brain Masterclass brings together top experts to shine a light on these connections and what you can do to protect yourself.

Here's what you’ll discover in the masterclass:

This is NOT just a DETOX event...

This masterclass isn’t just an event; it’s a lifeline for anyone ready to break free from the fog, fatigue, and frustration that toxic overload can cause.


And the best part? You can secure a spot by registering now.


Don't miss this chance to transform your understanding of health and wellbeing, arming yourself with the knowledge and strategies you need to fight back against the toxic threats we all face.

Toxic Brain isn’t just caused by heavy metals or “toxins” in our food or air or water – it’s also caused by blood sugar, a sedentary lifestyle, leaky gut, STRESS!!!!!


This is NOT just about detoxifying your brain and body – this event explores the newest information on inflammation (including low-level and / or chronic inflammation). We also explore the subtle effects of hidden lifestyle impacts, such as isolation.

You may be struggling with confusion and frustration over not seeing the benefits of your hard work. It often feels like hitting a wall—you’ve got a diverse, nutrient-rich diet, hydration on lock, and sleep like a pro, yet something's missing.

You're not alone in this battle. Are you constantly battling with brain fog, memory lapses, or simply feeling too exhausted to get through your day?

If physical aches or persistent gut issues weren’t enough, perhaps anxiety and a relentless inability to focus have become your unwanted companions.

It's not just about feeling off; it's about living in a state where clarity seems like a distant memory, and every task feels daunting.

You're doing everything “right”—eating healthy, trying to rest, and trying to manage stress—yet nothing changes.

That relentless feeling of being overwhelmed, coupled with digestive discomfort and a mind that won't clear, is far from what you deserve!

You may be struggling with confusion and frustration over not seeing the benefits of your hard work. It often feels like hitting a wall—you’ve got a diverse, nutrient-rich diet, hydration on lock, and sleep like a pro, yet something's missing.

You're not alone in this battle. Are you constantly battling with brain fog, memory lapses, or simply feeling too exhausted to get through your day?

If physical aches or persistent gut issues weren’t enough, perhaps anxiety and a relentless inability to focus have become your unwanted companions.

It's not just about feeling off; it's about living in a state where clarity seems like a distant memory, and every task feels daunting.

You're doing everything “right”—eating healthy, trying to rest, and trying to manage stress—yet nothing changes.

That relentless feeling of being overwhelmed, coupled with digestive discomfort and a mind that won't clear, is far from what you deserve!

What You Will Learn in This 6-Day Educational Series

These invisible culprits pervade our environment, food, and even the air we breathe, assaulting our body’s most critical systems daily.
The Overview of the Epidemic
The epidemic of Toxic Brain is happening all around us: Dementia, ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism, M.S., OCD, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, brain fog... and the very long list of conditions we thought were separate problems. These are, however, one brutal epidemic.
The NEW Information
Thought leaders Dr. Peter Kan and Laura Frontiero, NP have brought together a team of global experts, leaders, doctors, and patient success stories for this brand new event. This is the cutting edge of brain research, treatment, information and inside stories that have never been put out there before.
The Step-By-Step Protocols
In this event you will discover not only how the problem manifests and what to do, you will also learn the cutting-edge NEW information on how to avoid Toxic Brain. This is an epidemic that we can literally change, one person and one family at a time.



What is Toxic Brain?


Toxic Brain Created by Diet & Digestion


Toxic Brain Created by Infections


Toxic Brain Created by Toxins


Toxic Brain Created by Stress
and Trauma


Wrap Up with Dr. Peter Kan
& Laura Frontiero, NP


Warren Phillips

Dr. Peter Osborne

Jason Prall

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Dr. Joseph Antoun

Dr. David Jockers

Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Dr. Christine Schaffner

Eric James

Dr. Wendy Myers

Alex Howard

Dr. Jaban Moore


Dr. Peter Kan

Dr. Kan supports and manages clients with chronic conditions using a comprehensive approach by merging the exciting advances of functional neurology and functional medicine. Dr. Kan is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine, and a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist. He is the creator of NeuroMetabolic Integration, a science-based virtual online coaching program that identifies the root cause of autoimmune and other chronic conditions. Over 6000 clients from across the country have come to seek out his holistic approach that is changing the lives of those suffering from chronic conditions.

Laura Frontiero, NP is the founder and CEO of BioRadiant Health,  a virtual functional medicine practice. She's the creator of seven online functional medicine health summits, and over the last 25 years has served more than 70,000 patients in the clinic and virtual setting as a Nurse Practitioner. Her focus is to solve the root cause of chronic health conditions, by supporting cellular energy production, gut health, and detoxing the whole body. Her work in the health industry marries both traditional and functional medicine, and she’s known by her community as ‘The Energy Lady’.

Dr. Peter Kan

Dr. Kan supports and manages clients with chronic conditions using a comprehensive approach by merging the exciting advances of functional neurology and functional medicine. Dr. Kan is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine, and a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist. He is the creator of NeuroMetabolic Integration, a science-based virtual online coaching program that identifies the root cause of autoimmune and other chronic conditions. Over 6000 clients from across the country have come to seek out his holistic approach that is changing the lives of those suffering from chronic conditions.

Laura Frontiero, NP

Laura Frontiero, NP is the founder and CEO of BioRadiant Health,  a virtual functional medicine practice. She's the creator of seven online functional medicine health summits, and over the last 25 years has served more than 70,000 patients in the clinic and virtual setting as a Nurse Practitioner. Her focus is to solve the root cause of chronic health conditions, by supporting cellular energy production, gut health, and detoxing the whole body. Her work in the health industry marries both traditional and functional medicine, and she’s known by her community as ‘The Energy Lady’.

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© 2024 Toxic Brain Masterclass

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